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Proposition No. 1
Sales and Use Tax for Criminal Justice, Fire Protection, and Other Government Purposes

The Metropolitan King County Council adopted Ordinance 16899 concerning funding for criminal justice, fire protection, and other government purposes. This proposition would authorize King County to fix and impose an additional sales and use tax of 0.2%, spilt between the county (60%) and cities (40%). At least one-third of all proceeds shall be used for criminal justice or fire protection purposes. County proceeds shall be used for criminal justice purposes, such as police protection, and the replacement of capital facilities for juvenile justice. The duration of the additional sales and use tax will be as provided in section 6 of Ordinance 16899. Should this proposition be:



If approved by voters, Proposition No. 1 would authorize King County to impose an additional sales and use tax of two-tenths of one percent (0.2%). Sixty percent (60%) of the tax proceeds would be distributed to the county and 40% would be distributed to cities in King County on a per capita basis.

RCW 82.14.450 requires that one-third of the tax proceeds be spent for criminal justice purposes, fire protection purposes or both. All of the county tax proceeds would be used for criminal justice purposes, defined to be activities that substantially assist the criminal justice system (RCW 82.14.340), and for replacement of capital facilities, including the Alder Wing and Tower of the King County Youth Services Center. City tax proceeds would be used for criminal justice purposes, fire protection purposes, or other general city purposes, as authorized by RCW 82.14.450 and as determined by each city. A report detailing the cities’ use of the tax proceeds would be submitted by the county auditor to the county council no later than July 1, 2013.

As a condition for imposition of the tax in the first three years (2011, 2012, and 2013), at least $9,500,000 must be diverted from the county road fund and appropriated for police protection in the unincorporated area of King County. If this condition is not met, the entire tax will expire on March 31 following the year in which the condition is not met. Unless the tax has expired earlier, one half of the tax (one-tenth of one percent or 0.1%) will expire on April 1, 2014 and the remainder will expire on April 1, 2031.

YES on Prop 1: Protect Families, Crime Victims, Communities

Proposition 1 is needed to preserve adequate police protection, retain probation officers who monitor dangerous offenders, maintain services for crime victims, and ensure our courts and prosecutors can keep criminals off the streets.

King County has already cut $140 million and faces $60 million in new cuts for 2011. Even with Prop 1, more cuts will be made: wages are frozen for many, layoff notices delivered, and a hiring freeze is in place. Proposition 1 doesn’t expand government—it simply avoids deep cuts that threaten public safety and basic services.

PROTECTING EVERY COMMUNITY: Every city and rural area will receive resources for police and emergency services—no matter where you live, you will benefit.

INVESTING IN KIDS AND FAMILIES: Proposition 1 will replace dangerously unsafe court and support facilities for youth and families, including foster kids.

PROTECTING VICTIMS: Proposition 1 will protect programs for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault—already cut by over 20%.

AFFORDABLE AND LIMITED: Proposition 1 will cost 2 cents on a $10 purchase for 3 years, then will drop to 1 penny on a ten dollar purchase; less than $3/ month for the average household.

If you believe King County has been well run, then you should vote for this sales tax increase. But if not, then please send ‘em a message by voting “no”.

Supporters of the sales tax increase say that if you don’t vote for it, vital services will likely be cut, including sheriff’s deputies, prosecutors and even judges. Crime investigations will be scaled way back.

What does that tell us about their priorities?

Everyone knows that when your income drops you cut your last priorities first. King County’s income is down 10% and look at what they’re threatening to cut first: basic services.

Let’s look at what they’re not cutting.

They’ve been handing out pay raises to county employees every year of the recession. Some of those raises will continue. County workers don’t have to pay a monthly premium for their health care plan. Nor will they be asked to start.

And remember that 10-day furlough last year? There’s no furlough this year. In fact, they’re giving workers compensated time BACK this year –while telling us they need higher taxes to avoid cutting police and prosecutors.

It’s time to change “business as usual” in King County. Please vote no on a higher sales tax.

Tired rhetoric doesn’t protect our communities - police and prosecutors do. Law enforcement, judges and human service providers endorse Prop 1 and employee groups are voluntarily freezing wages because $60 million in cuts are real. $140 million permanently cut over two years spared most criminal justice—but with 70% of the budget dedicated to public safety, new cuts are inevitable without approval of Prop 1.

Check the facts. Vote YES for safe communities and kids.

Statement submitted by: Mary Ellen Stone, Sue Rahr and Dan Satterberg

King County has raised taxes and fees more than half a dozen times in the last five years. But we’re getting fewer services for what we’re paying. How come? Because of the increasing cost of government itself. Let’s not continue that cycle by raising taxes yet again. Instead, let’s vote No on Prop. One and tell the County to control its expenses, like every family has been forced to do at home.

Statement submitted by: John Carlson

Simple majority (RCW 82.14.450)

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