If approved by voters, this proposition would enable Si View Metropolitan Park District to preserve and renovate the historic Si View Community Center, originally built in 1938. Si View Community Center serves Snoqualmie Valley residents and provides recreation programs, youth and team sports, health and wellness for families and seniors, aquatics, arts, pre-school and after-school programs, specialized recreation, youth summer camps, farmers market, summer concerts and festivals and other community events. Si View Community Center renovations would include replacement of the aged and leaking roof, repairs to broken windows and deteriorated areas of the original log siding exterior, and seismic safety upgrades to the original foundation to meet current safety standards. This measure would also permit adjacent park improvements including replacement of an aged play structure with two children’s playgrounds, renovation of playfields with proper grading, drainage, and improved safety, and additional restrooms, picnic areas, walking and biking trails around the park perimeter. Additionally, this proposition would permit community access and park improvements at Tollgate Farm including a playground, picnic area, restrooms, walking and biking trails and connections, and preservation of natural areas and views of Mount Si. The measure would permit refinancing of the 2009 general obligation bonds that were used for parking lot construction at Si View Community Center. The preservation, renovations, park improvements and refinancing would be financed with no more than $6,700,000 in general obligation bonds.