Dear Honey Creek Estates resident,
Please vote “YES” on this ballot initiative to remain an unincorporated area of King County and stay out of the City of Renton. The City of Renton has nothing positive to offer this neighborhood that would in any way justify annexation. Annexation will mean higher taxes and fees, more government intrusion and more laws, which mean less freedom. The city has stipulated that in order for this annexation to make fiscal sense to them that more development of this area is required, which would ruin its character. While we would still be served by King County Fire District 10, our taxes would go to the City of Renton fire department. We would lose the services of the King County Sheriff’s Department and instead have the City of Renton Police who are mainly concerned with the downtown core. Septic systems are a serviceable long-term solution to our wastewater handling needs and are considered “greener” than sewers which require a treatment plant and flush the treated sewage into our waterways. We are currently in the Issaquah School District, if annexed that may not remain the case as the decision would be made by the City Council.
Statement submitted by: John F. Pavlik and Timothy Armstrong