As technology plays an increasingly important role in our classrooms, as well as in our business and support staff practices, Riverview must continue funding through the levy process as the state does not provide any direct funding for technology in schools. This 4-year Replacement Technology Levy will replace the current levy which expires in 2010.
Vote YES to give every student an equal chance to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to compete for jobs and college. This Replacement Technology Levy would enhance the educational environment by replacing existing outdated computers, improve classroom technologies, and upgrade emergency communications and safety systems, as well as continue to fund computer specialists and professional staff development.
Voting YES on this Replacement Technology Levy promises the continued 21st century education of our students.
Let’s work together to improve schools one ballot at a time. Please mark and mail in your ballot now! Vote YES for schools!
Statement submitted by: Wendy Tumbleson and Pam Werner