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City of Renton

Proposition No. 1

Should the City of Renton be annexed to and be a part of the King County Library District?



If approved by a simple majority of Renton voters, this measure would annex City of Renton residents to the King County Library System (KCLS) effective in January 2011.  The City of Renton would no longer operate a library system.  KCLS would provide library services to the residents of the City of Renton including increased branch hours, more public computers and different library programs.  Renton would provide two replacement library facilities to be paid for at a future date by City of Renton funds.  Annexation would mean that City of Renton residents would pay for library services through property taxes levied by KCLS rather than by the current system of a combination of City general fund money and a fee paid by the City to KCLS.  KCLS is a separate local government, and not part of King County government, with the sole purpose of providing library services.  KCLS is governed by a Board of Trustees appointed by the King County Council.  The City of Renton will retain the authority to have its own library board, which will serve in an advisory capacity to the King County Library System.


Vote YES on annexation to King County Library System (KCLS). Renton paid over $285,000 for residents to use KCLS services in 2009, and this cost will continue to rise as Renton’s population grows. Annexation to KCLS will eliminate these cross-use costs.
The Master Plan Study concluded that KCLS can provide library services 6-9% cheaper than a city-owned library. If Proposition 1 fails, library hours and staff will be cut effective March 1.

A “Yes” vote would mean KCLS will immediately upgrade services, technology and resources at the existing locations, including:

  • Increased hours, including Sunday
  • Additional computers and laptops
  • DIRECT access to all of KCLS’s materials and online resources
  • Tutoring and SAT preparation
  • Expanded mobile and outreach services

KCLS includes access to Seattle Public and other libraries.

The present library buildings will remain city property, the Renton community will keep its local library board, “Friends of the Library” and all existing Renton Library jobs will be retained.

Voting YES means Renton will join one of the most successful library systems in the nation. We will save money and get more library services. Vote YES!

A No vote means you keep access to both library systems and avoid the tax increase associated with a county take-over. King County Library System is a separate taxing district that will add $0.42 per $1000 of assessed value to your taxes. The KCLS board knows and admits that library service with KCLS would be more costly to Renton residents. Maintain your access to both library systems and control your taxes by voting No.

A No vote means maintaining local control of our libraries and keeping our materials and library staff in Renton.  This means that books and materials will be on the shelf in Renton, not dispersed across the county. Library staff know their patrons and decisions are made by those concerned with Renton, not by bureaucrats managing 40+ sites throughout the county. Please vote No.

For over 100 years Renton Library has been independently serving Renton. Say no to handing over this community treasure. Renton’s independent library system was built by generations of residents. Don’t pay more to get less of what we already have: a great local library and access to the county-wide system. Let’s continue to build our system for Renton. Vote No on library annexation.

KCLS is not a part of King County Government.

Vote Yes to avoid costly duplication of services. The city-owned library option in the Master Plan Study would cost $0.48 per $1000 vs. $0.42 for KCLS.

Vote Yes to avoid layoffs and reduced hours at the Renton Libraries. KCLS will retain existing staff. Renton libraries operated by KCLS will retain materials desired by local residents.

KCLS works with local communities to provide modern library services. 

KCLS is not a part of King County Government.

Vote Yes to avoid costly duplication of services. The city-owned library option in the Master Plan Study would cost $0.48 per $1000 vs. $0.42 for KCLS.

Vote Yes to avoid layoffs and reduced hours at the Renton Libraries. KCLS will retain existing staff. Renton libraries operated by KCLS will retain materials desired by local residents.

KCLS works with local communities to provide modern library services.

Statement submitted by: Peter Hartley, David L. McCammon and Patricia Johnson

Under KCLS, city of Renton will save money, but the individual taxpayer will pay more.

  • Without a levy lid lift, KCLS will face cutbacks.
  • Under KCLS annexation, Renton Library will be moved and Renton residents will pay for replacement facilities.
  • Renton staff and materials will be dispersed throughout the county.

Renton residents have access to KCLS and Seattle libraries. Don’t pay additional taxes to lose your independent library. Vote No on library annexation.

Statement submitted by: Bruce Myka, Lynne Shioyama and Virginia Decker

Simple Majority (RCW 27.12.370)

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