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Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita Annexation Area

Proposition A
Proposed Annexation, Assumption of Indebtedness, and Adoption of Zoning Regulations

The City of Kirkland has adopted Resolution R-4763 calling for election on the annexation of the Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita Annexation Area. Shall the Annexation Area be annexed to the City of Kirkland and shall all property within the area annexed be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as property within the City of Kirkland to pay for the outstanding indebtedness of the City; and, subject to zoning under Ordinance 4196?



This Proposition seeks voter approval of the annexation of the area known as the Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita Annexation Area into the City of Kirkland. The annexation proposition includes assumption of indebtedness. This requires voter approval to assess and tax all property within the annexation area at the same rate and on the same basis as other properties within the City for the then-outstanding indebtedness of the City. It is also the City’s intent to assume the indebtedness of King County Fire District 41. Beginning on the effective date of annexation, local public services currently provided by King County will be provided by the City of Kirkland. Also, upon annexation, all property within the annexation area shall be subject to the City’s zoning regulations as was determined through a public process prior to the Proposition being placed on the ballot. This Proposition will be authorized if the Proposition is approved by a 60 percent majority of the voters voting and the turnout represents at least 40 percent of the total number of votes cast in the area at the last general election.

Vote YES on Annexation of Finn Hill, Kingsgate, and North Juanita into Kirkland!

Our communities have been part of Kirkland for decades. Annexation is the right choice for our neighborhoods.

We’ll receive better services without higher taxes. Police coverage will increase (three officers in our area instead of just one deputy) and response time will be faster. We’ll also have improved traffic enforcement.

Property taxes will be 14% lower in Kirkland. We can control our utility consumption and directly influence the amount of utility tax we pay. Total taxes will be somewhat lower for most families.

Government officials will be more accessible and responsive. If we’re not being adequately served or want a law changed, it will be much easier to go to downtown Kirkland than to Seattle. We’ll vote for all seven city council members, rather than just one county council member.

We’ll have a stronger say in development. Zoning and development will be overseen and enforced by officials minutes away, with neighborhood input, rather than by a county council and departments in Seattle. We can serve on and influence the park, planning, design review, and transportation boards, and neighborhood associations.

Visit for more info, and Vote YES!

This annexation is a web of confusion. Police staff promised (2005) is down from 77 to 37. The majority of new officers will patrol existing Kirkland precincts, not the annexation areas. Without sheriffs, the King County parks and schools become “unprotected  islands.” Changes to fire districts may cause slower response times or require bonds. Kirkland is STILL delinquent on promised services from 1988’s annexation.

Kirkland’s Finance Director says cash reserves are dangerously low. Reserves dropped from $7M to under $5M in 2009. Debt is many times greater than reserves. Indebtedness equals bonds and current growing operational debt. Utility Taxes are new, inconsistent, and have doubled in 2009. Taxes on water/sewer, MANDATORY garbage collection, cable, telephone, cell phone, natural gas vary from 6% to 10.5%. Most require NO voter approval for increases. Business taxes are expensive and not business friendly.

You lose the choice for incorporation or alternate city annexation. The effective date could be delayed years, delaying your right to representation.

You’ll be placing your faith in leaders that changed their standards on casinos, building/zoning codes, height limits, trees, growth density. More permits. Property rights are reduced. Is this a city government you want? 

Do Better. Vote No.

Remaining unincorporated isn’t an option. The state requires unincorporated islands like ours to join cities. We don’t have the tax base to form our own city.

Kirkland, like governments at all levels, has budget challenges in this recession, but King County is much worse. County services will deteriorate further, such as closing our parks.

We don’t want to be carved up by other cities! Keep our identity as part of the Kirkland community – Vote Yes!


STATEMENT PREPARED BY: Toby Nixon, Ken Davidson, Jackie Pendergrass

We’re your neighbors. We’ve got FACTS at . Proponents omitted King County school officers, additional levies, and burdensome taxes needed to bridge response times.

Property taxes MAY decrease for some, but utility taxes and fees WILL COST EVERYONE MORE monthly.

Promised services are over 2 years away. Millions in bonded debt and growing deficits are accepted day one.

Council is often unresponsive to its citizens; disregarded citizens from OUR neighborhoods.

Vote with your neighbors NO!


STATEMENT PREPARED BY: Scott Brady, Robert Style, Katherine Winder





WHEREAS, the City Council of Kirkland has determined that it would be in the best interest and general welfare to provide for the annexation of certain territory contiguous to Kirkland referred to as the Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita Annexation Area; and


WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act and King County Countywide Planning Policies encourage transition of unincorporated urban and urbanizing areas within potential annexation areas from county governance to city governance; and


WHEREAS, the Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita Annexation Area is within the City of Kirkland Potential Annexation Area; and


WHEREAS, on April 7, 2009, the City Council of the City of Kirkland adopted Resolution R-4751 which directed the City Clerk to file a notice of intent to annex the Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita Annexation Area with the King County Boundary Review Board; and


WHEREAS, the Boundary Review Board held a public hearing on the proposed annexation on June 8, 2009; and


WHEREAS, the Boundary Review Board approved the annexation on July 9, 2009; and


WHEREAS, the City has determined to call for a special election to be held in conjunction with the general election on November 3, 2009, and to submit the questions of annexation, assumption of existing bonded indebtedness, and zoning in a single ballot proposition as authorized by RCW 35A.14.085.


            NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Kirkland as follows:


Section 1.  The City Council hereby calls for a special election to be held in conjunction with the general election on November 3, 2009, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita Annexation Area a ballot proposition to provide for the Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita Annexation Area to be annexed to the City, the assumption of indebtedness, and the adoption of zoning regulations. 


Section 2.  The boundaries of the Annexation Area are attached and incorporated as Exhibit A to this Resolution.


Section 3.  As nearly as can be determined at this time, the estimated number of voters in the Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita Annexation Area is 19,730.


Section 4.  The ballot title shall read as follows:




The City of Kirkland has adopted Resolution R-4763 calling for election on the annexation of the Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita Annexation Area.  Shall the Annexation Area be annexed to the City of Kirkland and shall all property within the area annexed be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as property within the City of Kirkland to pay for the outstanding indebtedness of the City; and, subject to zoning under Ordinance 4196?


      [  ]    For annexation, assumption of indebtedness, and adoption of zoning regulations.


      [  ]    Against annexation, assumption of indebtedness, and adoption of zoning regulations.


Section 5.        Pursuant to RCW 29A.32.280, the following individuals are appointed to serve on the voters’ pamphlet committees, each committee to write a statement for or against the proposed annexation ballot measure:


  FOR                                      AGAINST

 1. Ken Davidson                     1.  Scott Brady

 2. Toby Nixon                         2.  Robert Style

 3. Jackie Pendergrass           3.  Katherine Winder

Section 6.  The City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this Resolution with the King County Council and the King County Elections Director.


            Passed by majority vote of the Kirkland City Council in open meeting this 21st day of July, 2009.


            Signed in authentication thereof this 21st day of July, 2009.


King County Ordinance 16617


Proposed No. 2009-0417.2                      Sponsors Hague


AN ORDINANCE establishing November 3, 2009, as the date of a special election on the question of annexation to the city of Kirkland of an unincorporated area known as the Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita annexation area; the proposition shall be placed on the November 3, 2009, ballot by the King County elections director only if there is no appeal filed from the July 9, 2009, decision of the boundary review board approving this annexation; and declaring an emergency.



      SECTION 1.  Findings:

      A.  The city of Kirkland, Washington, by Resolution No. R-4763, has determined that it is in the public interest and general welfare to provide for the annexation of an area known as the Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita annexation area, in accordance with chapter 35A.14 RCW.

      B.  City of Kirkland Resolution No. R-4763 satisfies the provisions of chapter 35A.14 RCW for qualification for annexation.

      C.  The city of Kirkland, by Resolution No. R-4751 initiated the annexation of the Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita annexation area.

      D.  The King County boundary review board received a request for review under chapter 36.93 RCW, and on July 9, 2009, the review board, in file 2293, deemed the proposed city of Kirkland Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita annexation file approved.

      E.  Pursuant to chapters 29A.04 and 35A.14 RCW, the metropolitan King County council deems an emergency exists for the purpose of calling a special election to be held on the question of this annexation on November 3, 2009.

      SECTION 2.  A special election shall be held on the 3rd day of November 2009 in accordance with chapter 35A.14 RCW within the territory of the proposed annexation, for the purpose of submitting the question of annexation of the Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita annexation area.

      SECTION 3.  The number of registered voters within the subject area is estimated at 19,730 as nearly as may be determined from available records.

      SECTION 4.  Pursuant to RCW 29A.04.321 and 35A.14.050, it is hereby deemed that an emergency exists for purposes of calling a special election.  The King County elections director is hereby requested to assume jurisdiction to call and conduct a special election and submit to the registered voters within the subject area of the proposition as set forth in section 4 of this ordinance.  The clerk of the council is hereby authorized and directed to transmit the proposition to the elections director in substantially the following form, with such additions, deletions or modifications in the ballot title as may be required for the propositions listed below by the King County prosecutor:

      PROPOSITION 1:  

Shall the area of unincorporated King County known as the Finn Hill, Kingsgate and North Juanita Annexation Area, described in Resolution R-4751, be annexed to the city of Kirkland and subject to zoning as provided in Ordinance 4196, and shall all property within the area annexed be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as property within the city of Kirkland to pay for the outstanding indebtedness of the city?

[  ]    For annexation, adoption of zoning regulations and assumption of indebtedness.

[  ]    Against annexation, adoption of zoning regulations and assumption of indebtedness.

      SECTION 5.  The elections director is hereby authorized and requested to prepare and distribute a local voters' pamphlet, pursuant to K.C.C. 1.10.010, for the special election called for in this ordinance, the cost of the pamphlet to be included as part of the cost of the special election.

      SECTION 6.  The boundaries of the territory proposed for annexation are hereby described in city of Kirkland Resolution No. R-4763 as contained in Attachment A to this ordinance.

      SECTION 7.  RCW 29A.32.280 provides that for each measure from a jurisdiction that is included in a local voters' pamphlet, the legislative authority of that jurisdiction shall formally appoint a committee to prepare arguments advocating voter approval of the measure and a committee to prepare arguments advocating voter rejection of the measure.

      SECTION 8.  In accordance with RCW 29A.32.280, the following individuals are appointed to serve on the voters' pamphlet committees, each committee to write a statement for or against the proposed annexation ballot measure:

      FOR                                                        AGAINST

1.  Toby Nixon                                   1.  Scott Brady

2.  Ken Davidson                              2.  Robert Style

3.  Jackie Pendergrass                     3.  Katherine Winder

      SECTION 9.  Contingency.  The proposition shall be placed on the November 3, 2009 ballot by the King County elections director only if there is no appeal filed by August 10, 2009 from the July 9, 2009, decision of the boundary review board approving this annexation.

      SECTION 10.  The council finds as a fact and declares that an emergency exists and that this ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of public peace, health or safety or for the support of county government and its existing public institutions.


Ordinance 16617 was introduced on 7/13/2009 and passed as amended by the Metropolitan King County Council on 7/27/2009, by the following vote:


Yes: 7 - Mr. Constantine, Mr. Ferguson, Ms. Hague, Mr. von Reichbauer, Mr. Gossett, Mr. Phillips and Mr. Dunn

No: 0

Excused: 2 - Ms. Lambert and Ms. Patterson




City of Kirkland                                                                                           Triad Job No. 09-033 Legal Description – Finn Hill, North Juanita, Kingsgate Annexation                                                                                                                  March 24, 2009

                                                                                                                  Revised March 31, 2009

                                                                                                                  Revised May 13, 2009


That portion of Sections 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 Township 26 North, Range 5 East W.M. and Sections 13, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 36 Township 26 North, Range 4 East W.M. in King County, Washington described as follows:


Beginning at North Quarter Corner of Section 28, Township 26 North, Range 5 East, W.M.;


Thence west along the north line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 28 ( said north line being the north limits of the City of Kirkland as established by City of Kirkland Ordinance No. 2252 and the centerline of NE 132nd Street) to the corner common to Sections 28 and 29, Township 26 North, Range 5 East, W.M.;


Thence west along the north line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 29 ( said north line being the north limits of the City of Kirkland as established by City of Kirkland Ordinance No. 2252 and the centerline of NE 132nd Street) to the centerline of 116th Avenue NE right of way;


Thence southerly along the centerline of 116th Avenue NE right of way to the easterly extension of the south margin of the NE 132nd Street right of way;


Thence westerly along said south margin and the south margin of the NE 131st Way right of way (said south margins being the north limits of the City of Kirkland as established by City of Kirkland Ordinance No. 3062) to the west line of east half of Section 30, Township 26 North, Range 5 East, W.M.;


Thence south along said west line (said west line being the west limits of the City of Kirkland as established by City of Kirkland Ordinance No. 3062) to the north line of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 30;


Thence west along said north line (said north line being the north boundary of a tract of land annexed to the City of Kirkland under City of Kirkland Ordinance No. 4048) to the west line of east 275 feet of said southeast quarter of the northwest quarter;


Thence south along said west line (said west line being the west boundary of a tract of land annexed to the City of Kirkland under City of Kirkland Ordinance No. 4048) to south line of said southeast quarter of the northwest quarter;

Thence along said south line to the east margin and/or the northerly extension of the east margin of 91st Avenue NE (said east margin being the west boundary of a tract of land annexed to the City of Kirkland under City of Kirkland Ordinance Number 3121);


Thence south along said east margin and/or its northerly extension (said east margin being the west boundary of a tract of land annexed to the City of Kirkland under City of Kirkland Ordinance Number 3121) to the south margin of NE 120th Street;


Thence east along the south margin of NE 120th Street and/or its easterly extension to the west limits of the City of Kirkland as established by King County Ordinance No. 15471;


Thence south along said west limits to the southerly margin of Juanita Drive NE right of way;


Thence along said southerly margin to the west line of Juanita Bay Condominiums (said line being the west limits of the City of Kirkland as established by City of Kirkland Ordinance No. 3062);


Thence southerly and southeasterly along the said west line and its southerly extension (said line being the west limits of the City of Kirkland as established by City of Kirkland Ordinance No. 3062) to the outer limits of the second class shorelands of Lake Washington;


Thence leaving said city limits, southwesterly and northwesterly along said outer limits to North line of King County Short Plat Number 985037 (Alteration), recorded under Recording Number 911180963, records of King County, Washington and the limits of the City of Kenmore as established by King County Ordinance No. 12815;


Thence along said limits of the City of Kenmore the following courses:


Thence easterly along the North line of said King County Short Plat and the North line of

Lot 2, King County Short Plat Number 273020, recorded under Recording Number 7601230425 records of King County, Washington to the west margin of 62nd Avenue Northeast;


Thence southerly along said margin to the north line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23,

Township 26 North, Range 4 East, W.M.;


Thence easterly along said north line to the east margin of 62nd Avenue Northeast;


Thence southerly along the east margin of 62nd Avenue Northeast to the point of

intersection with the north line of King County Short Plat Number 376072, recorded under

Recording Number 7607290790, records of King County. Washington;


Thence easterly along the north line of said King County Short Plat and the north line of

King County Short Plat Number 682031, recorded under Recording Number 8404240701 and King

County Short PIat Number S89S0226, recorded under Recording Number 8908311935. all in records of King County, Washington, to the westerly margin of Holmes Point Drive Northeast;


Thence northerly and easterly along said margin to the westerly margin of Juanita Drive



Thence northerly along the westerly margin of said Juanita Drive Northeast to the point of

intersection with the westerly extension of the north margin of Northeast 143rd Street;


Thence easterly along said extended line and the north margin at Northeast 143rd Street

and the north margin of Northeast 145th Street to the intersection with the Westerly margin of

92nd Avenue Northeast;


Thence northerly along said margin to the intersection with the northeasterly margin of

Simonds Road Northeast, said margin also being the limits of the City of Bothell as

established by City of Bothell Ordinances 225, 227 and 960;


Thence southeasterly along the southerly limits of the City of Bothell and the northeasterly margin of Simonds Road Northeast to the west margin of  100th Avenue NE;


Thence north along said west margin to the north line of Section 19, Township 26 North, Range 5 East, W.M. and the south limits of the City of Bothell as established by City of Bothell Ordinance Number 225;


Thence east along said north line and the south limits of the City of Bothell to the Northeast Corner of said Section 19;


Thence east along the north line of Section 20, Township 26 North, Range 5 East, W.M. and the south limits of the City of Bothell as established by City of Bothell Ordinance Number 1220 to the southerly prolongation of the east margin of 100th Avenue NE and the easterly limits of the City of Bothell as established by City of Bothell Ordinance Number 1220;


Thence north along said southerly prolongation and easterly limits of Bothell to the north margin of NE 145th Street;


Thence leaving said city limits, east along said north margin to the southerly prolongation of the west line of the plat of Norway View according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 125 of Plats at Pages 77 and 78, records of King County, Washington:


Thence north along said southerly prolongation to the north margin of NE 145th Street;


Thence east along said north margin and its easterly extension to the southeasterly margin of Juanita-Woodinville Way NE;


Thence southerly along said southeasterly margin to the north margin of NE 145th Street;


Thence east along said north margin to the east line of the plat of Windsor Vista No. 1 according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 81 of Plats, at pages 70 and 71, records of King County, Washington;


Thence southerly along the southerly prolongation of said east line to the south line of Section 17, Township 26 North, Range 5 East, W.M.;


Thence east along said south line to the easterly margin of Primary State Highway No. 1 (SR-405) as depicted on the Record of Survey recording in Book 182 of Surveys, at Pages 251 through 259, records of King County, Washington:


Thence north along said easterly margin to the south line of a tract land conveyed to King County by the State of Washington by instrument recorded under 8603110513, records of King County, Washington;


Thence east along the south line of said tract to the east line of said tract;


Thence north along the east line of said tract to the southwesterly margin of the City of Seattle Tolt River Pipeline Right of Way:


Thence southeasterly along southwesterly margin to the west margin of NE 124th Avenue NE and west limits of the City of Woodinville as established by King County Ordinance No. 10306;


Thence along said limits of the City of Woodinville the following courses:


Thence south along said west margin to the intersection of the westerly extension of the south boundary of Kingsgate Highlands, Division No. 5, recorded in Volume 88 of Plats, Pages 1 to 5, Records of King County, Washington;


Thence east along said westerly extension and said south boundary to the southeast corner of said plat of Kingsgate Highlands Division 5;


Thence north along the east boundary thereof to the southwest corner of the plat of Kingsgate Vista, recorded in Volume 107 of Plats, pages 52 and 53, records of King County, Washington;


Thence east along the south boundary of said plat of Kingsgate Vista and its easterly projection to the West margin of 132nd Ave NE;


Thence southerly along said west margin of 132nd Avenue NE to the westerly extension of the south margin of NE 143rd street;


Thence easterly along said westerly extension and south margin thereof to the west line of the Puget Sound Power and Light Co. transmission line easement as located in the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 22, Township 26 North, Range 5 East W.M.;


Thence south along said west line to the south line of the NW 1/4 of Section 22, Township 26, North Range 5 East W.M.;


Thence easterly along said south line to the NW corner of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the S W 1/4 of said Section 22;


Thence south to the SW corner of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of said Section 22;


Thence east along the south line thereof to the North-South centerline of' Section 22;


Thence north along said North-South centerline to the center of said Section 22;


Thence west along the East-West centerline thereof 310 feet, more or less, to the SW corner of Tax Lot No. 108 in the SE ¼ of the NW 1/4 of said Section 22;


Thence N 7° 10’ 00” W along the west line of said Tax Lot 108, 380 feet, more or less, to the NW corner thereof;


Thence N 77°15’00” E along the northerly line of said Tax Lot 108 to the westerly margin of the Burlington Northern Railway right-of-way (also known as Northern Pacific Belt Line);


Thence southerly along said westerly margin to the south line of the NE 1/4 of said Section 22;


Thence east along the south line of the NE 1/4 of said Section 22 to the easterly margin of the Burlington Northern Railway right-of-way, (also known as Northern Pacific, Snoqualmie

Branch) and an angle point in the limits of the City of Woodinville;


Thence leaving said limits of the City of Woodinville and continuing along the south line of NE ¼ of said Section 22 to the easterly margin of the Burlington Northern Railway right-of-way, (also known as Northern Pacific, Snoqualmie Branch)


Thence south along said easterly margin to the south margin of NE 124th Street;


Thence westerly to the northeast corner of a tract of land annexed to the City of Redmond by City of Redmond Ordinance Number 1030;


Thence west along the north line of the tracts of land annexed to the City of Redmond by City of Redmond Ordinance Numbers 1030 and 966 to the west line of the east ¾ of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 27, Township 26 North, Range 5 East, W.M.


Thence south along said west line and the west line of a tract of land annexed to the City of Redmond by City of Redmond Ordinance Number 966 to the south line of the said Northwest ¼ and the north line of a tract of land annexed to the City of Redmond by City of Redmond Ordinance Number 778;


Thence west along said south line and said limits of the City of Redmond to the easterly margin of Seattle Water Department Eastside Supply Line right-of-way and the limits of the City of Kirkland as established by City of Kirkland Ordinance Number 3063:


Thence north along said easterly margin and said limits of the City of Kirkland to the south margin of NE 124th Street:


Thence westerly along said right of way and said limits of the City of Kirkland to the northerly tangent point of the southerly margin of said right-of-way with the westerly margin of the Slater Avenue NE right of way;


Thence northwesterly perpendicular to the centerline of NE 124th Street right-of-way to the southerly line of a tract of land annexed to the City of Kirkland by City of Kirkland Ordinance No. 2545:


Thence northeasterly along said southerly line to the southeast corner of said tract of land;


Thence northerly along east line of said tract of land to the northeast corner thereof;


Thence west along said north line of said tract of land to the west line of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 28, Township 26 North, Range 5, W.M. and the limits of the City of Kirkland as established by City of Kirkland Ordinance Number 2252;


Thence north along said west line and said limits of the City of Kirkland to the north line of said Section 28:


Thence west along said north line (said north line being the north limits of the City of Kirkland as established by City of Kirkland Ordinance No. 2252 and the centerline of NE 132nd Street) to the Point of Beginning.

60% Approval and a minimum turnout of 6,580 voters (RCW 35A.14.080)
1232 en-US Production

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