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Vashon Park District

Proposition No. 1
Park District Levy for 2010 through 2015

Shall the Vashon Park District be authorized to impose a regular property tax levy of not more than $0.50 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation in each of 6 consecutive years beginning with collection in 2010, to pay operation and maintenance costs associated with the District’s facilities, as provided in Resolution No. 09-030?



Passage of Proposition 1 would authorize the Vashon Park District to levy annually for six years excess property taxes to pay costs for operation and maintenance costs associated with the District’s facilities. This levy will replace the District’s expiring levy.

The proposed six-year capital levy would authorize the collection of levy amounts estimated to be not more than $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed value in each of the years between 2010 and 2015. The tax rate of approximately $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed value projected for the first year of collection in 2010 would equate to $50.00 per year (or $4.17 per month) for a $100,000 home.

Exemptions from taxes may be available to homeowners who are 61 or older, or disabled, and who meet certain income requirements. For more information, call the King County Department of Assessments 206.296.3920.

Vashon-Maury Islands’ rural atmosphere is defined in large part by its 18 wooded, landscaped and waterfront parks, all maintained by the Vashon Park District via its tax levy. In addition to parks maintenance, this six-year levy will support development of existing properties and programs according to the community’s goal of sustaining the Islands’ current quality of life. This year’s addition of the Senior Center underscores the District’s comprehensive value to the community. Playgrounds, athletic fields, picnic areas, a boathouse, horse trails, youth, and adult sports programs, concerts and outdoor theatre all reflect our islands’ true nature and that of its citizens.

Like its citizens, Vashon’s Park District is uniquely independent. These are not King County parks. They are the property of Vashon-Maury Island residents. And, with every tax levy Vashon-Maury residents renew their ownership of Island parks. Unlike other taxing bodies on the Islands, the Park District has no other income source.

In other words, the Vashon Park District will NOT exist without the levy; it will go away.

A vote in favor of the Park District levy is a vote to sustain the quality of life that makes these islands our cherished home.



No statement submitted.



A RESOLUTION of the Board of Commissioners of Vashon Park District, King County, Washington, providing for the submission to the voters of the district at a special election to be held therein on November 3, 2009 of a proposition authorizing a property tax levy to be made annually for 6 years commencing in 2009, for collection in 2010 through 2015, the proceeds of such levy to be used to pay operation and maintenance costs associated with the District’s facilities, all as more particularly set forth herein.




     Section 1.      Recitals and Findings.  The Board of Commissioners (the “Board”) of Vashon Park District, King County, Washington (the “District”) makes the following findings and determinations:


     1.1          In order to provide the funds required to meet District operation and maintenance expenses in 2010 through 2015 (inclusive), the Board determines that it is necessary to submit to the voters for their approval pursuant to RCW 36.69.145, a ballot proposition to impose a property tax levy to be made annually in each of six consecutive years, beginning with a levy made in 2009 for collection in 2010.


     Section 2.      Calling of Election. The Board requests that the Auditor of King County (the “Auditor”) call and conduct a special election in the District in the manner and during the hours provided by law in conjunction with the statewide general election to be held on November 3, 2009.  The purpose of purpose the election is to seek voter approval for a regular property tax levy as authorized by RCW 36.69.145 and as described in this resolution.  If approved by the requisite number of voters, the District will be authorized to levy a regular property tax, in each year for six consecutive years beginning with taxes payable in 2010, at a rate not to exceed 50 cents per $1,000 of assessed value.


     Section 3.      Use of Levy Proceeds.  The funds will be used for District purposes and to meet District expenses during calendar years 2010 through 2015, inclusive.  The levy amount will be used for operating and maintaining District facilities.


     Section 4.      Ballot Proposition; Submission to County.  The Secretary of the Board is authorized and directed to certify, no later than August 11, 2009, to the Director of Elections, as ex officio supervisor of elections in the District, a copy of this resolution and the ballot proposition to be submitted at that election in substantially the following form:



VASHON park district


Park District Levy Renewal for 2010 through 2015

Shall the Vashon Park District be authorized to impose a regular property tax levy of not more than $0.50 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation in each of 6 consecutive years to pay operation and maintenance costs associated with the District’s facilities?

                                                YES......................................... [  ]

                                                NO...........................................[  ]


     For purposes of receiving notice of the exact language of the ballot title required by RCW 29A.36.080, the District designates Wendy Braicks, Executive Director, Vashon Park District, P.O. Box 1608, Vashon, Washington 98070 (, 206-463-9602) and Nancy Neraas, Foster Pepper PLLC, 1111 Third Avenue, Suite 3400, Seattle, Washington 98101 (, 206-447-6277) as the persons to whom the Auditor shall provide such notice.


     Section 5.      Authorization; Effective Date.  The Secretary of the Board and other proper District officials are directed to perform such other duties as are necessary or required by law to the end that the question as provided for in this resolution shall be submitted to the voters of the District.  This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption.  All actions taken prior to the effective date of this resolution and not inconsistent with the provisions of this resolution are hereby and in all respects ratified, approved and confirmed.


ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners for the Vashon Park District, King County, Washington, at an open public meeting thereof this 4th day of August, 2009.

60% yes vote and either (1) 1,742 yes votes or (2) a minimum turnout of 2,903 voters (RCW 36.69.145)

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