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Vashon Island School District No. 402

Proposition No. 1
Facilities and Technology Capital Projects Levy

The Board of Directors of Vashon Island School District No. 402 approved a proposition for capital project levies in Resolution No. 627. This proposition would fund renovations, improvements and preventative maintenance set out in the District’s facilities and replacement plan and provide for instructional technology upgrades, and authorize the following excess levies on all taxable property within the District:

Collection                    Levy Rate/$1000                 Levy
   Years                        Assessed Value                Amount

     2010                           0.34277/$1000             $900,000

     2011                           0.34277/$1000             $900,000

     2012                           0.34277/$1000             $900,000

Should this proposition be approved?



Passage of Proposition 1 would authorize the Vashon Island School District to levy annually for three years excess property taxes to pay costs for school improvements and instructional technology. The taxes collected by this levy will be deposited in the District’s Capital Projects Fund and used to fund renovations, improvements and preventative maintenance set out in the District’s facilities maintenance and replacement plan and to provide for instructional technology infrastructure and equipment to improve student learning.

The proposed three-year capital levy would authorize the collection of taxes to provide $900,000 in 2010, $900,000 in 2011, and $900,000 in 2012. The tax levy rate required to produce these levy amounts is estimated to be $0.34277 per $1,000 of assessed value in 2010, $0.34277 per $1,000 of assessed value in 2011, and $0.34277 per $1,000 of assessed value in 2012. The tax rate of approximately $0.34277 per $1,000 of assessed value projected for the first year of collection in 2010 would equate to $171.39 per year (or $14.28 per month) for a $500,000 home.

Exemptions from taxes may be available to homeowners who are 61 or older, or disabled, and who meet certain income requirements. For more information, call the King County Department of Assessments 206.296.3920.

We, the community, told the Vashon School Board, that we wanted preventive maintenance along with a fully funded maintenance program. Well, they heard our voices. This capital levy does just that. Almost one-third of the money collected will be used for maintenance. This levy allows for the purchase of necessary materials and equipment, and hires more staff to implement a comprehensive maintenance plan to extend the life of our facilities and equipment. This will save us money. The levy will also put away $75,000 a year into a reserve, to be used for unforeseen emergencies.

The remaining two-thirds of the levy will be used for technology equipment and operations. Technology is always changing and we want our students to be adequately prepared with the technology tools for college and the world of work. This levy provides money for technology staff as well as computer replacements and updated programs. Having two system-wide wireless programs enhances security by allowing separate systems for the staff and students. Teachers will be able to continue to have professional development and enhance their classroom instruction with more knowledge and equipment.

This is the levy we want, money for maintenance and money for instructional technology. Vote Yes.



No statement submitted.

Resolution No. 627


A RESOLUTION of the Board of Directors of Vashon Island School District No. 402, King County, Washington, providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the district at a special election to be held therein on November 3rd, 2009, of a proposition to authorize the district to levy an additional tax to provide a total of  $2,700,000 for renovations, improvements, and preventative maintenance set out in the District’s facilities maintenance and replacement plan and to provide for instructional technology upgrades, such  levies to be made for three years commencing in 2009 for collection in the school years 2010 through 2012.


WHEREAS, the educational facilities of Vashon Island School District No. 402, King County, Washington (the “District”), including instructional technology infrastructure and equipment, are in need of modernization, renovation and improvements to meet the current and future educational programs for its students; and


WHEREAS, funds available to the District will be insufficient to enable the District to implement such projects; and


WHEREAS, in order to support the cost of these projects as found necessary by the Board of Directors, it is deemed advisable that the District levy a tax upon all the taxable property within the District in excess of the annual tax the district is permitted by law to levy without a vote of the people, such levy to be made for three years commencing in 2009 for collection in the school years 2010 through 2012, inclusive, as authorized by Article VII, Section 2 of the State Constitution and RCW 84.52.053 and


WHEREAS, the question of whether or not such excess tax may be levied must be submitted to the qualified electors of the District for their ratification or rejection; and


WHEREAS, the conditions set forth here and above create a situation which requires the holding of a special election in the District; to support the modernization, improvement or remodeling of school facilities or implementation of the District’s technology plan.


Section 1. Authorization of Levies. It is hereby found and declared that a situation exists requiring the submission to qualified electors of the District of the proposition whether the District shall make the Capital Projects Fund levies for their ratification at a special election to be held on November 3rd, 2009. For the purpose of providing funds necessary for the needs described above, King County Auditor, as ex-officio supervisor of elections in King County, is hereby requested to find the existence of such a situation and to call and conduct such special election to be held with the District on such day and to submit to the qualified electors of the District for their approval or rejection, a proposition providing for tax levies for the Capital Projects fund for three years, commencing in 2009, producing dollar amounts at estimated tax rates per thousand dollars of assessed value to produce such amounts, in excess of the maximum amount tax levy permitted by the law to levied within the District without a vote of the electors, all as follows:


            A.  $900,000, said levy to be made in 2009 for collection in 2010;

            B.  $900,000, said levy to be made in 2010 for collection in 2011;

            C.  $900,000, said levy to be made in 2011 for collection in 2012.


The estimated levy rate depends upon the final dollar amount of assessed value of the property within the District. At this time, based upon information provided by the County Assessor’s office, the estimated levy rate for the 2009 levy is $0.34277 per thousand dollars of estimated assessed valuation ($2,625,640,998), the estimated levy rate for the 2010 levy is $0.34277 per thousand dollars of estimated assessed valuation ($2,625,640,998), the estimated levy rate for the 2011 levy is $0.34277 per thousand dollars of estimated assessed valuation ($2,625,640,998). The exact levy rate shall be adjusted based upon the actual assessed value of the property within the District at the time of the levy.


Section 2. Approval of Form of Ballot. The Secretary of the Board of Directors is hereby authorized and directed to certify said proposition to the King County Auditor, as ex-officio supervisor of elections in King County, subject to final approval by the King County Prosecuting Attorney, substantially in the following form:


Proposition No. 1


Vashon Island School District


Facilities and Technology Capital Projects Levy


The Board of Directors of Vashon Island School District No. 402 approved a proposition for capital project levies in Resolution 627. This proposition would fund renovations, improvements and preventative maintenance set out in the District’s facilities and replacement plan and provides for instructional technology upgrades, and authorizes the following excess levies on all taxable property within the District:



             Collection                          Levy Rate/$1000                                 Levy

                Years                               Assessed Value                                Amount

                2010                                0.34277/$1000                               $900,000

                2011                                0.34277/$1000                               $900,000

                2012                                0.34277/$1000                               $900,000

Should this proposition be approved?


            [  ]    YES


            [  ]     NO        



Section 3. Use of Tax Levies. If such proposition is approved by the requisite number of voters and pending the receipt of those taxes, the District may issue short-term obligations pursuant to chapter 39.50 RCW or contract indebtedness pursuant to RCW 28A.530.080. Upon receipt, the District may use those taxes to repay such short-term obligations or indebtedness, all as may be authorized by law and deemed necessary and advisable by the Board. The proceeds from the excess property tax levies authorized herein may be used only to support the construction, modernization or remodeling of school facilities.


Section 4. Authorization. The Secretary to the Board and the Business Manager are directed to: (a) present a certified copy of this resolution to the Auditor at least 84 days prior to the date of such election, and (b) perform such other duties as are necessary or required by law to submit to the District’s voters at the aforesaid special election, for their approval or rejection, the proposition of whether the District shall levy annual excess property taxes to pay costs of the Projects. All actions of the District or its staff or officers taken prior to the effective date of this resolution and consistent with the objectives and terms of this resolution are ratified and confirmed.


Section 5. Notices. For purposes of receiving notice of the exact language of the ballot title required by RCW 29A.36.080, the Board hereby designates the Business Manager (Thomas Dargel), telephone: (206) 463-2121; email: as the individual to whom the Auditor shall provide such notice. The Secretary and Business Manager are authorized to approve changes to the ballot title, if any, deemed necessary by the Auditor or the King County Prosecuting Attorney.


ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of Vashon Island School District No. 402, King County, Washington at a regular meeting thereof, held this 30th day of July, 2009.

Simple Majority (Washington State Constitution Art. VII, Sec. 2(a))
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