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Enumclaw School District No. 216

Proposition No. 1
Capital Levy for School Improvements and Instructional Technology

The Board of Directors of Enumclaw School District No. 216 adopted Resolution No. 931, concerning a proposition to finance school improvements and instructional technology. This proposition would authorize the District to replace roof and heating systems at Enumclaw Middle School, upgrade heating systems at Westwood Elementary, Enumclaw High School and other schools, acquire instructional technology infrastructure and equipment to improve student learning, and levy the following excess taxes, on all taxable property within the District:

                                                            Approximate Levy


Collection Year                                    Assessed Value                                    Amount

            2010                                                    $0.87                                       $2,950,000

            2011                                                    $0.82                                       $2,850,000

            2012                                                    $0.39                                       $1,390,000

            2013                                                    $0.33                                       $1,210,000


as provided in Resolution No. 931. Should this proposition be approved?



Passage of Proposition 1 would authorize the Enumclaw School District to levy annually for four years excess property taxes to pay costs for school improvements and instructional technology. The taxes collected by this levy will be deposited in the District’s Capital Projects Fund and used to pay costs to: replace roof and heating systems at Enumclaw Middle School; upgrade heating systems at Westwood Elementary School, Enumclaw High School and other schools; acquire and install instructional technology infrastructure and equipment to improve student learning throughout existing school facilities; and carry out other capital projects.

The proposed four-year capital levy would authorize the collection of taxes to provide $2,950,000 in 2010, $2,850,000 in 2011, $1,390,000 in 2012 and $1,210,000 in 2013. The tax levy rate required to produce these levy amounts is estimated to be $0.87 per $1,000 of assessed value in 2010, $0.82 per $1,000 of assessed value in 2011, $0.39 per $1,000 of assessed value in 2012, and $0.33 per $1,000 in 2013. The tax rate of approximately $0.87 per $1,000 of assessed value projected for the first year of collection in 2010 would equate to $261.97 per year (or $21.83 per month) for a $300,000 home. Rates will decline each year thereafter.

Exemptions from taxes may be available to homeowners who are 61 or older, or disabled, and who meet certain income requirements. For more information, call the King County Department of Assessments 206-296-3920.

The 4rKids Committee urges citizens to vote “YES” on the Capital Facilities and Technology Levy to benefit students of the Enumclaw School District. This levy will address student’s basic needs by providing necessary repairs to the Enumclaw Middle School roof and upgrade heating systems. Supporting facility upgrades to infrastructure is not only fiscally responsible, but essential to operating and maintaining safe, quality learning environments for students. Making investments in school facilities contributes to community pride and sends a positive message that the safety and well-being of our students is our first priority.

Technology is advancing at a rapid rate therefore it is critical that Enumclaw School District students have the necessary skills and tools to adapt and thrive in the world around them. Proposed technology improvements support student learning by optimizing instructional strategies that help teachers prepare students for higher education and for a diverse range of occupations. Modern technology equipment and systems will increase classroom interaction, student engagement, allow for a multifaceted exploration and understanding of curriculum, and give students concrete opportunities to practice skills and demonstrate their knowledge.

Let’s work together and invest in our children’s future by voting “YES” for the Capital Facilities and Technology Levy!


No Statement Submitted.







     A RESOLUTION of the Board of Directors of Enumclaw School District No. 216, King County, Washington, providing for the submission to the electors of the District at a special election to be held therein on February 3, 2009, of a proposition authorizing a tax levy to be made annually for four years commencing in 2009 for collection in 2010 on all of the taxable property within the District of $2,950,000, the estimated dollar rate of tax levy required to produce such an amount being $0.87 per $1,000 of assessed value (such assessed value representing 100% of true and fair value unless specifically provided otherwise by law), in 2010 for collection in 2011 of $2,850,000, the estimated dollar rate of tax levy required to produce such an amount being $0.82 per $1,000 of assessed value, in 2011 for collection in 2012 of $1,390,000, the estimated dollar rate of tax levy required to produce such an amount being $0.39 per $1,000 of assessed value, and in 2012 for collection in 2013 of $1,210,000, the estimated dollar rate of tax levy required to produce such an amount being $0.33 per $1,000 of assessed value, all in excess of the maximum tax levy specified by law for school districts without voter approval, for the District’s Capital Projects Fund, the proceeds of such levies to be used to support the modernization of school facilities by making improvements to schools and acquiring instructional technology infrastructure and equipment to improve student learning, all as more particularly set forth herein; and designating the Secretary to the Board and special counsel to receive notice of the ballot title from the Director of Records and Elections of King County, Washington.


           Section 1.    The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Enumclaw School District No. 216, King County, Washington (the “District”), hereby makes the following findings and determinations:
           (a)    The existing condition of school facilities and equipment require the District to modernize existing school facilities by making improvements to schools and acquiring instructional technology infrastructure and equipment to improve student learning, all as more particularly defined and described in Section 3 herein (collectively, the “Projects”).

           (b)    It appears certain that the money in the District’s Capital Projects Fund for the school years 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 will be insufficient to permit the District to pay expenses of the Projects thereof, during such school years, and that it is necessary that an excess tax levy of $2,950,000 be made in 2009 for collection in 2010, $2,850,000 be made in 2010 for collection in 2011, $1,390,000 be made in 2011 for collection in 2012, and $1,210,000 be made in 2012 for collection in 2013, for the District’s Capital Projects Fund to provide the money required to meet those expenses.

           (c)    The District is authorized pursuant to Article VII, Section 2(a) of the Washington Constitution and Revised Code of Washington (“RCW”) 84.52.053 to submit to the District’s voters at a special election, for their approval or rejection, the proposition of whether the District shall levy annual excess property taxes to pay costs of the Projects.

           Section 2.    The Board hereby finds and declares that the best interests of the District’s students and other inhabitants require the District to carry out and accomplish the Projects as hereinafter provided.

           Section 3.    The Board hereby finds and declares that the Projects to be paid for with proceeds from the excess property tax levies authorized herein are more particularly defined and described as follows:

           (a)    Replace roof and heating systems at Enumclaw Middle School, upgrade heating systems at Westwood Elementary School, Enumclaw High School and other schools, acquire and install instructional technology infrastructure and equipment to improve student learning throughout existing school facilities, and carry out other capital projects, all as deemed necessary and advisable by the Board.  The foregoing technology improvements shall be part of the District’s integrated technology systems and facilities for instruction and research.

           (b)    Pay costs associated with implementing the foregoing, including, but not limited to, acquiring and installing hardware and licensing software, training, furniture, equipment, fixtures and appurtenances, all as deemed necessary and advisable by the Board.

           (c)    Pay incidental costs incurred in connection with carrying out and accomplishing the foregoing.  Such costs shall be deemed part of the Projects and shall include, but are not limited to: payments for fiscal and legal expenses; establishing and funding accounts; necessary and related engineering, architectural, planning, consulting, inspection and testing costs; administrative and relocation expenses; site acquisition and improvement; demolition; on and off-site utilities and road improvements; and other similar activities or purposes, all as deemed necessary and advisable by the Board.

           The Projects, or any portion or portions thereof, shall be acquired or made insofar as is practicable with available money and in such order of time as shall be deemed necessary and advisable by the Board.  The Board shall determine the application of available money between the various parts of the Projects so as to accomplish, as near as may be, all of the Projects.  The Board shall determine the exact order, extent and specifications for the Projects.  The Projects are to be more fully described in the plans and specifications to be prepared by the District’s architects and engineers and to be filed with the District.

           Section 4.    The Director of Records and Elections of King County, Washington, as ex officio Supervisor of Elections (the “Auditor”), is requested to call and conduct a special election in the District in the manner provided by law to be held therein on February 3, 2009, for the purpose of submitting to the voters of the District, for their approval or rejection, the proposition of whether an excess property tax levy for the Capital Projects Fund shall be made annually for four years commencing in 2009 for collection in 2010 on all of the taxable property within the District of $2,950,000, the estimated dollar rate of tax levy required to produce such an amount being $0.87 per $1,000 of assessed value (such assessed value representing 100% of true and fair value unless specifically provided otherwise by law), in 2010 for collection in 2011 of $2,850,000, the estimated dollar rate of tax levy required to produce such an amount being $0.82 per $1,000 of assessed value, in 2011 for collection in 2012 of $1,390,000, the estimated dollar rate of tax levy required to produce such an amount being $0.39 per $1,000 of assessed value, and in 2012 for collection in 2013 of $1,210,000, the estimated dollar rate of tax levy required to produce such an amount being $0.33 per $1,000 of assessed value, all in excess of the maximum levy provided by law for school districts without voter approval.  The exact tax levy rate may be adjusted based upon the actual assessed value of the taxable property within the District at the time of the levy.

           If such proposition is approved by the requisite number of voters, the District will be authorized to levy excess property taxes and use the proceeds of such levies to pay the expenses of the Projects thereof, during the school years 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, all as may be authorized by law and deemed necessary and advisable by the Board.  Pending the receipt of those taxes, the District may issue short-term obligations pursuant to chapter 39.50 RCW or contract indebtedness pursuant to RCW 28A.530.080.  Upon receipt, the District may use those taxes to repay such short-term obligations or indebtedness, all as may be authorized by law and deemed necessary and advisable by the Board.

           Section 5.    If available proceeds from the excess property tax levies authorized herein are more than sufficient to carry out the Projects, or should state or local circumstances require any alteration in the Projects, the District may apply such proceeds to other capital purposes, or reduce or eliminate the excess property tax levies authorized herein, all as the Board may determine by resolution and as permitted by law.

           If the Board shall determine that it has become impractical to accomplish the Projects or any portion thereof by reason of state or local circumstances, including changed conditions or needs, regulatory considerations, incompatible development or costs substantially in excess of those estimated, the District shall not be required to accomplish such Projects and may apply the proceeds from the excess property tax levies or any portion thereof to other capital purposes of the District, or reduce or eliminate the excess property tax levies authorized herein, all as the Board may determine by resolution and as permitted by law.  In the event that the proceeds from the excess property tax levies authorized herein, plus any other money of the District legally available therefor, are insufficient to accomplish all of the Projects, the District shall use the available money for paying the cost of that portion of the Projects that is deemed by the Board most necessary and in the best interest of the Board.

           Notwithstanding anything in this resolution to the contrary, the proceeds from the excess property tax levies authorized herein may be used only to support the construction, modernization or remodeling of school facilities.
           Section 6.    Pursuant to RCW 29A.36.071, the King County Prosecuting Attorney is requested to prepare the concise description of the aforesaid proposition for the ballot title in substantially the following form:



The Board of Directors of Enumclaw School District No. 216 adopted Resolution No. 931, concerning a proposition to finance school improvements and instructional technology.  This proposition would authorize the District to replace roof and heating systems at Enumclaw Middle School, upgrade heating systems at Westwood Elementary, Enumclaw High School and other schools, acquire instructional technology infrastructure and equipment to improve student learning, and levy the following excess taxes, on all taxable property within the District:

                                        Approximate Levy Rate/$1,000
    Collection Year                          Assessed Value                                Amount
          2010                                        $0.87                                    $2,950,000
          2011                                        $0.82                                    $2,850,000
          2012                                        $0.39                                    $1,390,000
          2013                                        $0.33                                    $1,210,000


as provided in Resolution No. 931.  Should this proposition be approved?
                                 LEVY . . . YES [  ]        LEVY . . . NO [  ]

           Section 7.    The Secretary to the Board (the “Secretary”) or his designee is directed to: (a) present a certified copy of this resolution to the Auditor at least 52 days prior to the date of such special election, and (b) perform such other duties as are necessary or required by law to submit to the District’s voters at the aforesaid special election, for their approval or rejection, the proposition of whether the District shall levy annual excess property taxes to pay costs of the Projects.  All actions of the District or its staff or officers taken prior to the effective date of this resolution and consistent with the objectives and terms of this resolution are ratified and confirmed.

           Section 8.    For purposes of receiving notice of the exact language of the ballot title required by RCW 29A.36.080, the Board hereby designates the (a) Secretary (Mike Nelson), telephone: 360.802.7103; fax: 360.802.7123; email:; and (b) bond counsel, Foster Pepper PLLC (Jim McNeill), telephone: 206.447.5339; fax 800.533.2284; email:, as the individuals to whom the Auditor shall provide such notice.  The Secretary is authorized to approve changes to the ballot title, if any, deemed necessary by the Auditor or the King County Prosecuting Attorney.

           Section 9.    If any provision of this resolution shall be declared by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, then such provision shall be null and void and shall be separable from the remaining provisions of this resolution and shall in no way affect the validity of the other provisions of this resolution or of the levy or collection of excess property taxes authorized herein.

           Section 10.    This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption.

           ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of Enumclaw School District No. 216, King County, Washington, at a regular open public meeting thereof, held this 17th day of November, 2008, the following Directors being present and voting in favor of the resolution.


Simple majority (Wash. Const. art. VII, sec. 2(a))

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