We invite you to vote yes! Bond funds are essential, ensuring our schools are safe, equipped with modern facilities and technology that will provide students with the best possible education. Approving this bond, we invest in major repairs, replacements, and upgrades throughout the district, creating an environment that is conducive to learning for students and staff.
Funding goes towards addressing important health and safety concerns in our schools, such as upgrading HVAC systems, improving air quality, and enhancing school security measures. It will also provide necessary facility improvements, such as roofing repairs and upgrades, flooring replacements, and energy-efficient windows and lighting systems. The district has worked hard to minimize the financial impact on homeowners, the cost for the average homeowner will be less than a few dollars per day. We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to make this investment in our community's future.
Let's come together as a community and vote "yes" on this Bond. Together, we can ensure that our schools are safe, modern, and equipped with the latest technology to provide our youth with the education they deserve. Vote yes, invest in our future and create an environment that fosters growth and success for all.
Submitted by: Dee Klem, Alan Sutliff, Brooke Valentine, voteyes@citizensforkentschools.org