Good schools benefit everyone in the community. Highline Public Schools has a 20-year track record of completing projects on time and on budget. Most recently, Highline High School, Glacier Middle School and Des Moines Elementary were completed on time and $10 million under budget.
Our community now has the opportunity to rebuild three more aging schools and provide safe, modern facilities–without increasing taxes. Proposition 1 will replace Evergreen High School, Tyee High School and Pacific Middle School with schools equipped with 21st Century learning technology, earthquake safety and secure entry points. It will also fund critical repairs and improvements like roofs, heating/ventilation and safety improvements in schools across the district.
This bond was recommended by our Capital Facilities Advisory Committee. These community volunteers developed the plan to rebuild our aging schools without raising taxes. Thanks to expiring school taxes, approving this bond will not increase your tax rate.
Currently, only students in some neighborhoods attend schools that meet today’s learning, safety and health requirements. We urge you to support Proposition 1 so all students in Highline, no matter where they live, have an equal opportunity for success. Vote to Approve Proposition 1 and mail your ballot by November 8!
Submitted by: Sandy Hunt, Dave Bush, Pat Thompson,