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Highline School District No. 401

Proposition No. 1
Bonds to Replace and Improve Deteriorating Schools

The Board of Directors of Highline School District No. 401 adopted Resolution No. 06-22, concerning a proposition to replace deteriorating schools with safe, modern facilities. This proposition would authorize the District to: construct new high schools to replace Evergreen and Tyee High Schools; construct a new middle school to replace Pacific Middle School; make District-wide critical capital improvements; issue no more than $518,397,000 of general obligation bonds maturing within 21 years; and levy annual excess property taxes to repay the bonds, all as provided in Resolution No. 06-22. Should this proposition be:



Passage of Proposition No. 1 would authorize Highline School District to issue no more than $518,397,000 of general obligation bonds to: (a) construct new high schools to replace Evergreen and Tyee High Schools; (b) construct a new middle school to replace Pacific Middle School; and (c) make District-wide critical capital improvements (including emergency repairs; roof restoration/repairs; synthetic turf to replace Sylvester Middle School dirt field; new building to replace Transportation Building L; sites, facilities and spaces for virtual programs; and capital contributions for Maritime High School).  The School Board determined that these projects were necessary to replace and improve deteriorating and educationally outdated schools and infrastructure with safe, modern facilities.


With passage of this proposition and issuance of bonds, the District anticipates receiving approximately $34,227,232 in State construction financing assistance, Port of Seattle and FAA noise mitigation to help complete these projects.  Further information is available


The bonds will be repaid from annual property taxes over a period not to exceed 21 years. The total tax rate for all levies (operating, technology and bonds) is expected to decrease approximately $0.54 per $1,000 of assessed value from $4.40 in 2022 to $3.86 in 2023 as property values increase. The effect of lower rates will vary depending on the growth in value of individual properties. Please see the District’s website for anticipated tax impacts associated with Proposition No. 1.  Exemptions from taxes may be available to certain homeowners, call King County Department of Assessments (206)296-3920.

Good schools benefit everyone in the community. Highline Public Schools has a 20-year track record of completing projects on time and on budget. Most recently, Highline High School, Glacier Middle School and Des Moines Elementary were completed on time and $10 million under budget.


Our community now has the opportunity to rebuild three more aging schools and provide safe, modern facilities–without increasing taxes. Proposition 1 will replace Evergreen High School, Tyee High School and Pacific Middle School with schools equipped with 21st Century learning technology, earthquake safety and secure entry points. It will also fund critical repairs and improvements like roofs, heating/ventilation and safety improvements in schools across the district.


This bond was recommended by our Capital Facilities Advisory Committee. These community volunteers developed the plan to rebuild our aging schools without raising taxes. Thanks to expiring school taxes, approving this bond will not increase your tax rate.


Currently, only students in some neighborhoods attend schools that meet today’s learning, safety and health requirements. We urge you to support Proposition 1 so all students in Highline, no matter where they live, have an equal opportunity for success. Vote to Approve Proposition 1 and mail your ballot by November 8!


Submitted by: Sandy Hunt, Dave Bush, Pat Thompson,

The district wants to build 2 new high schools and 1 new middle school - all at once and with interest laden school bonds. Their laughable "cost impact analysis" for hardworking taxpayers consists entirely of stating, "No increase to current tax rate."  And this from the institution supposedly teaching students about mathematics and financial literacy.


With rapidly rising property values, that the district is counting on now and in the future, of course "rates" can remain flat or drop. Voters are signing up for an amount, not a rate. This $518M advertised bond has a 21 year payback period to be paid by current residents and citizens not born yet. The interest alone adds another $323M bringing the true total to $841M.  A homeowner with an assessed valued home of $700,000 in 2022 will have to pay approximately $20,000 over the next 21 years for this one bond.


For a full, logical cost analysis and recommendations, please see


Other districts (Seattle, Everett) are using sequential, better planned, 6 year capital levies for buildings instead of 20+ year expensive bonds to save taxpayers substantial money. Highline should do the same with a more modest, staggered project list.


Submitted by: Jeff Heckathorn,

Bonds are a responsible way to pay for long-term investments like schools and are used by districts everywhere. Capital levies require a spike in taxes. Don’t be fooled by inaccurate, misleading math of opponents who don’t live in our community.  Our projects are shovel ready - costs increase the longer we wait.


We are local homeowners and educators who care about Highline’s future. Vote Approve for safe, modern schools and an equitable education for all.


Submitted by: Sandy Hunt, Dave Bush, Pat Thompson,

First the pro committee says this mega bond won't raise taxes. Then they say it won't raise your tax rate. Which is it? This type of confusion by school districts is why WA needs a TILA (Truth In Lending Act) type of law to present voters with the truth.

The fact is rapidly increasing property values, including for apartments, multiplied by a flat rate equals rapidly increasing taxes (in dollars).

Submitted by: Jeff Heckathorn,

60% majority and minimum turnout of 40% of voters casting ballots in last general election (Washington Constitution, art. VII, sec. 2(b))

For questions about this measure, contact: Andrew Burgess, Controller, (206) 631-3201,

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