The district states it will purchase land, build a high school, make school improvements all for only $676M. Their laughable "cost impact analysis" for hardworking taxpayers for this mega bond consists of stating "a typical homeowner will see a decrease of tax rates of $195/year." And this from the institution supposedly teaching students about mathematics and financial literacy.
With rapidly rising property values, that the district is counting on now and in the future, of course "rates" can remain flat or drop. Voters are signing up for an amount, not a rate. This $676M advertised bond has a 23 year payback period to be paid by current residents and citizens not born yet. The interest alone adds another $631M bringing the true total to $1.3B! A homeowner with an assessed valued home of $700,000 in 2022 will have to pay approximately $25,000 over the next 23 years for this one bond.
For a full, logical cost analysis and recommendations, please see
Other districts (Seattle, Everett) are using sequential, better planned, 6 year capital levies for buildings instead of 20+ year expensive bonds to save taxpayers substantial money. Renton should do the same with a more modest, staggered project list.
Submitted by: Jeff Heckathorn,