Si View Metro Park District runs the only public pool in the Snoqualmie Valley, serving more than 40,000 residents. Our community’s needs for swim lessons and aquatics long ago outgrew our tiny but beloved pool which was built in 1938 to serve 600 residents. The old pool’s outdated mechanical systems are very expensive to maintain. Community surveys consistently show that families want and need a new Aquatic Center. All ages will benefit because a new Aquatic Center will provide access to swim lessons, therapeutic and wellness classes, water fitness programs, safety trainings, competition training, and unstructured family play regardless of the weather. The proposed recreation pool can accommodate all these needs.
Si View Parks is fiscally responsible. Bond rating agencies recognize Si View’s excellent fiscal management with an AA rating. The Aquatic Center Feasibility study includes a financial plan that maintains the facility largely through earned revenues. Our community knows that our locally managed Si View Park District excels at managing parks and facilities to meet our community needs.
The proposed site has been purchased with 2018 Capital Bond funds. The site is centrally located, along a connected trail network, with easy access from neighborhoods. Being near Si View Park will allow for efficiencies in operations. Included classroom space will allow community event use and programs. There’s also room for expansion: a future build-out could include a competition pool, and more rec space.
Timing: Si View was awarded a $4M grant for this project and it can’t be used at a later date. Building an Aquatic Center now would be less expensive than in future as costs increase over time. Vote Yes for Si View!
Submitted by: Linda Grez,