It’s time to renew our commitment to funding educational programs, so all students have equitable opportunities to succeed in school. Vote “yes” to provide our Snoqualmie Valley kids with continued opportunities, excellence in education, and social-emotional well-being. This is not a new tax.
We represent community leaders and volunteers from across the Snoqualmie Valley. We ask for your vote to approve an expiring education levy providing local funds to fill critical gaps in state and federal funding for our students’ needs.
By approving this levy, you are voting “yes” to continue high-quality instruction, academic and emotional support for our students through counselors and social workers, and funding for broad course offerings–including music, world language, advanced courses, special education, arts, drama, athletics, and other extracurricular club activities. Renewing this levy also impacts students’ health and safety by paying for nurses and other staff not fully funded by the state. Your approval ensures that services and programs needed by our students will continue.
Vote yes to renew our promise to Snoqualmie Valley students–to prepare each to choose their own future.
Submitted by: Kirk Harris, Corinne Alef, Chris Alef,