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Northshore School District No. 417

Proposition No. 2 
General Obligation Bonds - $425,000,000 

The School District No. 417 Board of Directors approved a proposition for bonds. This proposition authorizes the District to modernize and expand at Crystal Springs, Fernwood, Kenmore, Maywood Hills, and Woodin Elementary Schools, Leota Middle, Inglemoor High School and Sorenson Early Childhood Center, improve health and safety, make building and improvements throughout the District, decrease portables by one-third, and issue $425,000,000 of general obligation bonds maturing within a maximum term of 21 years, and levy excess property taxes annually to repay the bonds, as described in Resolution No. 840. Should this proposition be: 



Passage of Proposition No. 2 would be at a projected lower tax rate and would allow Northshore School District No. 417 to borrow $425,000,000 by issuing general obligation bonds. In accordance with Resolution No. 840 approving this proposition, the bonds will pay for renovations, upgrades and new construction of school facilities to meet the needs of the growing District, decrease portables by one third, and improvements to energy efficiency of school buildings in the District. Capital projects include planning, developing, constructing and equipping renovations and additions at Crystal Springs, Fernwood, Kenmore, Maywood Hills, and Woodin Elementary Schools, plan phased replacement and undertake phase one at Leota Middle, and Inglemoor High Schools, add an accessible classroom addition at Sorenson Early Childhood Center, make health and safety upgrades, improve outdoor learning spaces, playfields, tracks, tennis courts, athletic fields, and inclusive playgrounds, classroom modifications, to meet instructional program needs. The bonds would be repaid out of annual property tax levies over a period of up to 21 years. The exact amount of such annual levies for these bonds would depend on the amount of principal paid each year and on the interest rates available at the time the bonds are sold.


Exemptions from taxes may be available to certain homeowners.  To determine if you qualify, call your county assessor.


The Capital Bond adds new permanent classroom space in response to growth, reduces the district’s reliance on portables, modernizes outdated buildings, and makes critically needed HVAC and security upgrades across the district.


Due to rapid growth in our area for many years, Northshore relies on 172 portables for classroom instruction.  Reducing the District’s reliance on portables improves student safety in the event of a lockdown, and permanent classrooms are less expensive to heat and operate than portables.  Voting yes adds classroom space, as well as replacing outdated fire alarms and installing secured entries across our district.  It also funds critical building maintenance like roof repairs and replacing obsolete HVAC systems with energy-efficient upgrades to keep our students warm, safe, and dry.


Because it replaces expiring bonds and refinances higher interest school construction debt, the bond pays for all of this without increasing our tax rate. 


All students deserve a quality learning environment, and strong schools build strong communities.  Voting yes for all three measures maintains our excellent schools and responds to growth, keeping our community an attractive place to live and raise a family.  Please vote yes for student success!

Submitted by: Cheryl Stanford, Patsy Treece, Jasmine Lee Fry,  


As parents and taxpayers of NSD, we all want sufficient capacity and well-maintained schools. To date, this district has failed to adequately plan for and maintain existing facilities. Priorities have been on acquiring land and building new facilities, while neglecting ‘poor’ schools, not maximizing existing investments, and leaving select schools and playgrounds derelict, unsafe, and with excessive portable usage.

The Capital Bond Planning Task Force recommended a baseline budget of $275M. The district opted for the maximum scenario of $475M that includes a frivolous, luxury $48M district pool. Further misleading the public, this $425M principal amount does not disclose fees and interest. With the district’s estimations, the actual price tag runs $580M. There should be no school bonds, only 6 year capital levies, saving taxpayers millions. Seattle does this.

The NSD website presents a half-baked cost analysis showing just 4 years’ rates. This is a 21 year bond that will tax our children and grandchildren. We are still paying for the 20 year bonds that started in 2014 and 2018. We need transparent and responsible budgeting, not sneaking in >$855M across 3 measures during the lowest voter turnout of the year, versus November general election.

Vote no on frivolous spending. 

Submitted by: Dominique France, Angela Chapman,


The opposition committee says we aren’t maintaining existing buildings, and then asks you to vote “no” on funding building maintenance.  There is no pool in this measure!  Instead, it funds critical maintenance, safety and security upgrades, and addresses overcrowding with new construction.  Don’t believe the opposition committee’s false statements.


This is not a new tax; it replaces existing debt.  Voting yes for all three measures means a decreased tax rate from $3.63/1,000 to $3.28/1,000.

Submitted by: Cheryl Stanford, Patsy Treece, Jasmine Lee Fry,  


Fact check: Flat tax rate equals higher tax bill- Property values rose substantially, impacting all property owners (commercial and residential) including renters; Expected student numbers declined and many pulled their children out! NSD regularly sells permanent structures instead of repurposing for classrooms and sporting facilities; NSD has documented declining growth and noted they are asking for more than they need. (Correction: $475M should read $425M)

NSD is not fiscally responsible. Vote no on tax hikes!

Submitted by: Dominique France, Angela Chapman,

60% majority and minimum turnout of 40% of voters casting ballots in last general election (Wash. Const. art.VII, sec. 2(b))

For questions about this measure, contact: Lisa Youngblood Hall, Chief Communications and Experience Officer, (425) 408-7671,

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