Local funding is critical to maintaining and updating student technology and school facilities not funded by the State of Washington. The Capital and Technology (C&T) Levy provides everything from student laptops and tablets to money for ventilation systems and roof repairs. This levy also funds athletic field and performing art centers’ upkeep and improvements.
Your “Yes” vote supports an exceptional education. This levy gives students access to the tools they need to successfully pursue a multitude of careers. The C&T Levy funds one-to-one student computers as well as classroom technology and equipment, and instructional training that empowers Bellevue students for the future.
Your “Yes” vote maintains our investment in safe, modern school facilities. The C&T Levy provides funding for school, field, and performing art center improvements like carpeting, roofing, ventilation systems, and lighting. This Levy prepares our kids for a bright future by maintaining existing safe, functional classrooms, and securing the community’s investment in our school buildings and fields.
This keeps our tax rate the same. Your “Yes” vote means no tax increase and renews our commitment to our schools. Please vote Yes for our Bellevue students by renewing this C&T Levy!
Submitted by: Charles Dyer, Chris Marks, Janice Zahn, BellevueQualitySchools.org