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Lake Washington School District No. 414

Proposition No. 2 
Replacement of Existing Technology and Capital Projects Levy 

The Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 2320 for educational technology and facilities levies. This proposition authorizes the District to levy the following excess taxes, to replace an expiring levy, on all taxable property within the District, to support improvement and upgrades of facilities; including educational technology, software and training; building systems, health and safety and site improvements throughout the District: 




Levy Rate/$1,000

Assessed Value





2024 $0.49 $43,200,000
2025 $0.49 $45,300,000
2026 $0.49 $47,500,000


all as provided in the Resolution. Should this proposition be approved?



Lake Washington School District requests voter approval of a replacement School Technology and Capital Projects levy to enable the district to pay for computers for students, classroom technology, improvements and upgrades of school facilities, for technology improvements, and equipment and training not funded by the state and needed to meet the current and future educational programs for its students. The proposed levy replaces the District’s current levy that expires in 2022 and funds would be deposited in the Capital Projects Fund to pay for replacement computers; upgraded server and network infrastructure; instructional and assessment software; technology support for over 35,000 student and staff  computers; health and safety upgrades; and replacement of aging major building systems such as roofs and heating systems.


Passage of this proposition would allow the levy of an average of $44.3 million per year over the next four years.  If authorized by the voters and based on current assessed valuation information, estimated levy rates per $1,000 of assessed value would be $0.49 beginning in 2023. This replaces an expiring levy. The exact levy rate shall be adjusted based upon the actual assessed value of the property within the District at the time of the levy.


Further information is available on the district’s website at


Exemptions from taxes may be available to homeowners who are 61 or older, or disabled, and who meet certain income requirements.  For more information, call the King County Department of Assessments 206-296-3920.

Vote yes to renew the technology and capital projects levy.  All students deserve access to high quality education regardless of background or family income.


Preparing students to succeed after graduation requires access to modern technology.  This measure provides nearly 100% of the funding to maintain the district’s 1:1 student-to-device ratio.  Technology funds include online platforms to help students excel outside of the classrooms, as well as critical technology infrastructure such as digital whiteboards, and training for classroom instruction.


Prop. 2 also funds critical facility maintenance including code compliance and improvements such as roof repairs, HVAC, fire alarms systems, and health, safety and security upgrades across the district.  Failure to pass would result in deferred maintenance and would only cost more money down the road.  This is a fiscally responsible measure to protect our investments in our schools.  Renewing this levy keeps our students warm, dry, and safe.


This measure was passed overwhelmingly by the voters four years ago.  Please join community leaders, elected officials, and your neighbors in voting yes for critical building maintenance and classroom technology!

Submitted by: Penny Sweet, Angela Birney, Karen Moran,

Again, LWSD asks you to replace a levy but in fact they make it a 21% tax increase over 4 years.  While we need to continue some level of Facilities and Technology funding, we also need to ensure taxpayers are getting affordable and sustainable property taxes.


The pandemic closed down schools for more than a year reducing normal wear and tear that would have occurred.  Some routine maintenance was essential, but significant spending on repairs and upgrades did not occur.  Between reduced facility usage and an increase in building maintenance funds from the state’s McCleary school funding, lower tax collections for 2023 and 2024 are in order as a refund for 2020 and 2021 taxes already paid.


Families and local businesses have been stretched thin financially during the pandemic and are also about to be hit hard by this year’s huge McCleary property tax increase.  This is no time for a tax increase for Facilities and Technology. 


Vote No on this levy and send a message to the district that their proposed property taxes are too high. Tell them to run a reduced Facilities and Technology levy in April that is more reasonable.

Submitted by: Susan Wilkins, (425) 374-6655

This measure is a replacement of an expiring levy that will maintain the same tax rate.  Lake Washington SD delivers top-tier education at a lower rate than comparable districts like Northshore or Bellevue.

These levy funds were used when schools closed to address many needs like transitioning to remote learning, including ensuring that every student had access to a device.  It funds facility and technology needs not covered by the state.  Vote yes.

Submitted by: Penny Sweet, Angela Birney, Karen Moran,

Again, the district abuses public goodwill by disguising a tax increase as a “simple renewal”.  Voters deserve honesty.

With this year’s permanent tax increase and the struggles of families and local businesses with Covid, voters need an affordable levy.  We can keep our students warm, dry and safe with an honest, No Tax Increase levy proposal.  Defeating this levy will require the district to offer an affordable levy.  Proposition 2 is excessive – vote No.

Submitted by: Susan Wilkins, (425) 374-6655

Simple majority (Wash. Const. art. VII, sec. 2(a))

For questions about this measure, contact: Shannon Parthemer, Communications Director, (425) 936-1342,

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