Vote yes to renew our commitment to a quality education for all our students. This measure funds essential services not covered by the state and accounts for 14% of the district’s budget. Failure to pass this measure would result in drastic cuts to educational programs, student support, and services.
For example, the state pays for only 5 nurses to cover our 57 schools! Local levy dollars cover the rest. The levy also covers 100% of sports and extracurriculars. It funds special education, the highly capable program, and early childhood education, including preschool and Head Start. These critical programs have been shown to significantly improve student learning and lead to better outcomes after graduating.
We’re proud of our Lake Washington students, teachers, and families. We have some of the best schools in the state, with a graduation rate of 94%, high test scores, and robust STEM and career pathway programs. Better schools help build stronger communities, and that’s why the voters overwhelmingly passed this measure four years ago. Now it’s time to renew our commitment and ensure a quality education for all our students.
Please join community leaders, elected officials, and your neighbors in voting yes for our students!
Submitted by: Penny Sweet, Angela Birney, Karen Moran,