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Lake Washington School District No. 414

Proposition No. 1 
Replacement of Existing Educational Programs and Operations Levy 

The Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 2319 concerning educational funding for student programs and services. This proposition authorizes the District to levy the following excess taxes, to replace an expiring levy, on all taxable property within the District, to support the District’s educational programs, staff and operations, which are not funded or not fully funded by the State: 




Levy Rate/$1,000

Assessed Value





2024 $1.03 $89,900,000
2025 $1.03 $94,400,000
2026 $1.03 $99,100,000


all as provided in the Resolution. Should this proposition be approved?




Lake Washington School District requests voter approval of a replacement Educational Programs and Operations levy to enable the District to pay for its educational programs and services not funded by the state and needed to meet the current and future educational programs and services for students. The proposed levy replaces the District’s current levy that expires in 2022. This expiring levy currently provides approximately 14% of the general expense of operating the District, and pays for teaching and non-teaching staff, health and safety services, social-emotional supports, early learning programs, transportation, staff professional learning, activities and athletics/sports, additional course offerings,  and other non-capital expenses of operating the District schools. 


Passage of this proposition would allow the levy of an average of $92.3 million per year over the next four years.  If authorized by the voters and based on current assessed valuation information, the estimated levy rate per $1,000 of assessed value would be $1.03 beginning in 2023. This replaces an expiring levy.  The district is limited to collecting only what the state legislature authorizes. The exact levy rate shall be adjusted based upon the actual assessed value of the property within the District and the limitations imposed by State law at the time of the levy.


Further information is available on the district’s website at


Exemptions from taxes may be available to homeowners who are 61 or older, or disabled, and who meet certain income requirements.  For more information, call the King County Department of Assessments 206-296-3920.

Vote yes to renew our commitment to a quality education for all our students.  This measure funds essential services not covered by the state and accounts for 14% of the district’s budget.  Failure to pass this measure would result in drastic cuts to educational programs, student support, and services.


For example, the state pays for only 5 nurses to cover our 57 schools!  Local levy dollars cover the rest.  The levy also covers 100% of sports and extracurriculars.  It funds special education, the highly capable program, and early childhood education, including preschool and Head Start.  These critical programs have been shown to significantly improve student learning and lead to better outcomes after graduating.


We’re proud of our Lake Washington students, teachers, and families.  We have some of the best schools in the state, with a graduation rate of 94%, high test scores, and robust STEM and career pathway programs.  Better schools help build stronger communities, and that’s why the voters overwhelmingly passed this measure four years ago.  Now it’s time to renew our commitment and ensure a quality education for all our students.


Please join community leaders, elected officials, and your neighbors in voting yes for our students!


Submitted by: Penny Sweet, Angela Birney, Karen Moran,

Proposition 1 is excessive and should be rejected.  It does not replace the current levy; it increases it by over 26%.


Under the 2017 McCleary Plan, the State dramatically increased property taxes to fully fund Basic Education and specifically limited future local EP&O levies to “Enrichment” expenses.  This year another major McCleary tax increase goes into effect ($.90 per thousand assessed valuation -- $1000 increase to the median homeowner).  You and every other homeowner, renter and business will be paying that bigger tax bill in just a few weeks.


This year the McCleary property taxes you pay will provide LWSD over $130,000,000 more in state funds than it did in 2017.  Even if individual property taxes were not increased, the LWSD budget grows due to new homes, apartments and commercial development.  With families and small businesses suffering the loss of family members and employees, increased illness and medical risk, unemployment, lost revenue or bankruptcy due to Covid, this is no time for a 26% tax increase.


We all want good schools and we all need affordable and sustainable property taxes.  Reject this excessive Proposition and require the district to fit their “Wish List” into a “No Tax Increase” Proposition.

Submitted by: Susan Wilkins,

Our community values a high-quality education system.  The opposition statement has their facts wrong and doesn’t address the substance of this measure.  The McCleary Plan doesn’t cover nurses, sports and activities, early childhood education, or advanced learning.  These are essential staff and programs, and levy failure would directly cut student learning.


This levy renewal covers the amount specifically authorized by the Legislature for local districts and fills critical gaps in state funding.  Vote yes.

Submitted by: Penny Sweet, Angela Birney, Karen Moran,

Get the facts: Proposition 1 cannot fund Basic Education programs covered by the State. It cannot pay for Special Education and programs for students with disabilities already funded by the McCleary Plan. And remember, the McCleary tax permanently increases 33% to $3.60 per thousand this year.

This levy can fund extra nurses, sports, preschool, security, extended day – but the 26% increase to $85-$99,000,000 per year is excessive.  You deserve affordable property taxes. Vote No.

Submitted by: Susan Wilkins,

Simple majority (Wash. Const. art. VII, sec. 2(a))

For questions about this measure, contact: Shannon Parthemer, Communications Director, (425) 936-1342,

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