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Charter Amendment No. 1

Shall the Preamble of the King County Charter be amended to make a grammatical correction and to include among other charter purposes, equitable government, protection and enhancement of the urban and rural environment and economy, and promotion of a superior quality of life?



The preamble of the King County Charter states the purposes for the Charter. Currently, the stated purposes are to form a more just and orderly government, establish separate legislative     and executive branches, provide for responsibility and accountability for governance and services, enable effective public participation, preserve a healthy rural and urban environment and economy, and secure the benefits of home rule and self-government.


This proposed amendment to the preamble would correct a grammatical error and add the purposes of a more equitable government for all and promotion of a superior quality of life. The amendment would also change the already stated purpose of preserving a healthy rural and urban environment and economy, to protecting, enhancing and preserving a healthy rural and urban environment and economy.

The Preamble to the County Charter is an opportunity for the voters to state their values and say what outcomes they want from county government.  Since the Preamble was first written, King County has grown to be home to 2.3 million people and a hub of technology, culture and innovation.  It’s time to update the Preamble to better reflect our modern county and the people who live in it.


By adding “for all” and “equitable,” the Preamble will show that county government should be a resource and provide services to all its residents in an equitable manner. This involves not just providing services equally but also finding out about the needs, ideas and solutions different communities might have and helping them access services so they can succeed and thrive.


The addition of “protect and enhance” and “promote a superior quality of life” reflects the county’s direct role in providing regional services, such as buses and public health, and as the local government in the unincorporated areas.  The county also has a unique role as a leader, convener, and facilitator of improvements in these areas in collaboration with cities.


We ask you to vote yes on King County Charter Amendment 1.

Submitted by: Michael Herschensohn, Louise Miller, and Alejandra Tres

Statements in favor of and in opposition to a ballot measure are submitted by committees appointed by the jurisdiction. No persons came forward to serve on the committee and to write a statement in opposition. If you would like to be involved with a committee in the future please contact the jurisdiction.

Simple majority (King County Charter Section 800)

For questions about this measure, contact: Patrick Hamacher, Director of Council Initiatives, (206) 477-0880,

King County Elections does not correct punctuation, grammar, or fact check candidate and measure statements.

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